
Poor Kitties Memorial Fund

Neil Gaiman recently put up a very touching tribute to his cat-in-the-attic, Zoe, a blind, but very sweet creature who has prevented masterpieces from being written and had bathtubs installed on top of her (see here, here, and here). This isn't the only sad story about cats lately - our friend at Bookfoolery also lost a dear cat friend recently, a poor, blind old creature, and it broke her heart as well, I know. My kitties have been off and on sick, but are thankfully alive and well, though I have had sad kitty stories on the brain lately (hence my recent terrible poem on the subject). And then I happen to KNOW certain other friends (hr-hrm, nymethdebichris) love kittehs too.

Well, long story short, I thought, wouldn't it be nice to have a little mini charity drive in memoriam of poor kitties? And, lo and behold The Neil even suggested a charity for it: The Great Lakes Bengal Rescue, which helps to rescue and find homes for Bengal Cats (which are beautiful by the way :). I have to admit, I originally thought it meant tigers!), which The Neal's friend @fabulouslorrain works with a lot. So, I'm not a great fundraiser, but I thought, why not throw up a link, and we can all try to give a few dollars to Help the Kittehs, as a way to say thank to all the Poor Kitties we've loved over the years? Feel free to donate, if you want to write something about your Poor Kitties, link to it, or just link to your blog, as you wish :). You can donate through Paypal, here. and if you give $35, you get a free laser pointer :).

BTW, does 'Poor Kitties' make anyone else think of the "Poor Claires" and give you an image of a lot of kittehs in white wimpels? Hurrah for the Abbess of Cats!

(UPDATE: Please, please, PLEASE visit http://www.michellewatersart.com where you'll find the beautiful art I originally (wickedly) had borrowed to put on the site. Ms Waters art is uniformally lovely, and I hope you'll find things on it to love and appreciate. Sorry Ms Waters for the inadvertent thievery.)


Ana S. said...


Lovely post, and lovely idea. The world needs more kitteh love.

Anonymous said...

Donation made, simultaneously in honor of Zoe and of my Loki cat. He has been gone for six years now, and I still miss him every day. (Although he viewed others with great skepticism and occasional hostility, he was wholly devoted to me, and I to him. I'm engaged now, and I'd like to think that Loki would approve on some level...but, really, he'd probably just pee in my fiance's shoes in protest.)

Debi said...

I wrote about your wonderful effort here, Jason, though I don't think anyone reads my blog that doesn't read yours anyway. ;) And I made a donation for the kitties. I'm sure you don't mind that I chose to give to our local shelter instead...after all, kitties everywhere need more love. *hugs*

Heather said...

I donated too. Neil and Nancy just tore me up this week. So sad! I gave for Spooky, Zoe and my own Salem and Gabriel. I miss my boys so much!!

Bookfool said...

First, thanks to you for coming up with this idea, Jason.

Second, thanks to Heather for donating partly in Spooky's name.

I appreciate you both.

Third, I've lost my code book so my paypal password is missing (got chewed out for that, all week, but I just gazed back at Huzzybuns with eyes of misery). I will donate, though. If I can't find the book in which we keep our brains so we don't have to use them, I'll donate locally. Our shelter is always, always in need.

Keshalyi said...

Ms Bookfool - I think that's lovely - Ms Debi did the same thing, actually :). I should have put that in the post, that that's okay! Glad Spooky could get a little tribute from some of us :). I hope you find a new kitty soon...

I had a dream the night before last, after hearing about Mr Gaiman's kitty, about Haiti, where over Haiti, with all the death and sorrow there, there was all these ghosts, crowding around confused, like a run on a bank in an old movie, sort of, and all the little children ghosts were crowded out and crying. So, in my dream, Mr Gaiman's cat's ghost had scampered off into the middle of this to go comfort all the children ghosts. I don't know much about the afterlife, or about death or God or any of those big topics. But I like to believe that anything that has love put into it can never really die. Maybe Spooky is doing mission work in Haiti, now :).

Bookfool said...

Thank you, Jason. I hope I find a new kitty soon, too. :)

I love your dream. Miss Spooky was a cuddly lap girl who spent her last days snuggling right up to my chin. If her ghost went to Haiti or hung out with Haitian ghosts, she'd be in somebody's lap, keeping them company.

I actually dreamed of my mother and Spooky, one night this week. My mother died in 2008 and she was crazy about Spooky -- in fact, she asked me if she could please take my cat home when she was looking to replace her crappy second husband with a pet (my father died in 1990). I like to think my mother was waiting at the heavenly gates for Miss Spooky. :)

Jeanne said...

As part of my policy of only supporting local causes, I support my local cat shelter (and have gotten all four of my current cats from there). I'd never heard of a Bengel cat before and was interested to see what they look like!

Anonymous said...
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Michelle Waters said...

That's my art you posted on your blog. It's really disrespectful of artists to post our work without a credit or link to our website. Please add "art by Michelle Waters" and link back to www.michellewatersart.com. Thanks, I appreciate it.