Jim Davis + Franz Kafka = ...
See more. Courtesy of Daring Fireball.
I feel very uncomfortable around the elderly - I don't think this is a particularly rare sensation. And it's not, mind you that I dislike older people, by any means, I've always had the idea that if one could really sit down and be friends with someone who is 85 years old, it might be a very interesting relationship, but the whole idea of actually DOING it seems VERY intimidating somehow. This wasn't as bad when I was a child, although I mostly base that off my Grandpa who I think was in age denial right up until he died. And in all honesty, I must admit I was never fully comfortable around my other three grandparents, despite them being very friendly, nice people, I imagine. But even so, the idea of meeting a new older person, now, is very unsettling. We were at Amanda's Grandmother's house today, for dinner, and I felt utterly out of place, the entire time. I like Amanda's grandmother, she seems like she's probably a saucy, queer-smiled British woman with a lot of great stories to tell. But, I sat next to her, and I felt enormously, shamefully uncomfortable.
So, I've never really listened to Opera, I never went as a kid, being as they don't probably have a lot of opera houses on Army bases, you know, or small towns. And most of my personal taste I developed by buying CDs I knew nothing about - well, I knew I wasn't interested in buying the 'Best Arias Ever!' CD, and to actually BUY an opera is a pretty big investment in something that a lot of people proclaim to be dull as sticks. I'm still not very good at listening to it, but after going to an opera recently with my dearie, and after getting a small-ish Nova Scotia over the Ring of the Niebelungen, after naming a programming project Siegreud (long story...), I've checked some out from the library.
Do you sometimes wonder if we all overthink things sometimes with computers? Like, since we CAN have X amount of power, we SHOULD... I've recently just been thinking how really nice plain ol' text is - windows users, think notepad. It's just so clean and pure! When I was writing, I found out that if I wrote in just plain ol' TextWrangler, the same vanilla text editor that I write code in, I got a lot more done. I didn't have to care how it looked, there was only one job to be done - writer - instead of typesetter, proofreader, and all the other jobs that, say, MS Word lets you do. I didn't even have red squiggly 'hey stupid, learn to type' lines, it was so liberating! Besides, for those of us who are geeks, plain text has been around forever, will be around forever, and is eminently scriptable, mungable, fiddle-ready, and flexible...
Luke... join me, and we can rule the Muscatoogee Annual Hot Air Balloon Jamboree as father and son!
Have you ever considered who you'd be if you grew up somewhere where the prevailing culture did not encourage you to be a good person? The other day I found myself wondering - if I grew up with a father in the Ton-Ton Macoute, or something, who would I be? I can't much claim any of my better features as my own invention - most of what I've ever done that's any good was either natural talent that I didn't do any work to make any better, or the influence of good parents, etc. If I had crummy parents? I'd be a horrible criminal. It's humbling to know that really I'm no better a person than, say, one of the rebels in Sierra Leone, raping villagers and cutting their husband's hands off. Just luckier.
Read More.........someone told me how young I look, when I said I was 28. I guess 28 is the cutoff for when I am expected to look young? Not that I'm bitter, it was just odd, like I'm well-preserved. You know. At 28.
Read More......Wiktionary's Word of the day: erinaceous: Of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog. (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/erinaceous)
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