
Two birthdays, this week

Just for your datebook, this past wednesday was the birthday of Emily Dickinson. I posted on this, today, at Gignacery, but for such a birthday, what harm is two posts! I'm afraid the day was pretty marred for me - I drove downtown to take a final at UIW, ran out of gas just as I squeaked into a parking spot, found my final had never been delivered, walked 1/2 mile down the street to the nearest gas station on the coldest day of the year so far in texas, in only a suitcoat (well, not ONLY a suitcoat, that WOULD have been quite a morning), and paid $10 for the smallest gas can I've ever seen in my life. Oh well. I'm increasingly sure that I 'count Success sweeter' than most, these days...

Also, of note, this past Tuesday was the 600th birthday of John Milton. I'm thinking I'll celebrate by going blind and browbeating my children in transcribing poetry for me. Or maybe I'll just finally start reading Paradise Lost...