
The Sylvia Beach Hotel

Sylvia Beach Hotel - a set on Flickr
Hotel for booklovers, located in Newport Oregon; each room is dedicated to the style of a particular author. These photos were taken of the rooms I was able to view in mid August, 2008.
What an... interesting experiment. I'm not sure if some of these rooms are spot on or horrifying. Some are both. I love the implication that Dr. Seuss naturally developed into ugly 80's bedspread patterns, and I have decidedly mixed feelings about the Woolf room. The Poe room is probably not accurate either, but... eeh. I don't know if I could sleep in a room that accurately reflected the spirit of EA Poe. The EB White room is pretty, and charmingly... chaste, I suppose. My favorite is the library in the attic. But, that doesn't count. Of the Author rooms, I like the Fitzgerald room. Just needs a discarded liquor bottle.


Amanda said...

That's kind of cool.

I imagine this isn't the long post you've been working on for several days now...

Julie said...

I thought it was fun to look at all those different rooms. It would be fun to have the experience of staying there to try them out but which one...? I was intrigued by the Shakespeare room and the Oscar Wilde room was different than I imagined. I'm not sure what to think about the Virginia Woolf room either.? Overall, I enjoyed looking at the different rooms and I can appreciate all of the work that went in to making them in the first place.